Black Berry Scratched Legs

Black Berry Scratched Legs

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Tea Bag, and meet "Lady Moon"!

Meet Lady Moon everyone! She is my new friend and business partner. I can't say Imagination girl is extremely pleased with all the new projects Lady Moon and I are whipping up. Our bedroom is more of a studio now, which is causing a little sisterly conflict, but we're working through it. I think that if I make Imagination Girl something special it will help. Lady Moon had to be cleaned and fixed up a bit before she could be used. Daddy took her to a sewing-machine-fixing sort of place and he said they were so enchanted with her they were all arguing over who got the honor of fixing her up.

One of the first projects we have taken on was the long awaited Tea Bag for momma. The trouble with this project is that you have to have a lot of people who drink a lot of tea in order to have enough tea bags. It is sort of funny when guests come over and after they get their tea they notice their tea bags going into a drawer with a whole lot of other tea bags. This tea bag was a little fussy, at least figuring out how I wanted to sew it, I was glad it turned out really well in the end. I absolutely love how the button looks with the white and red.
So now I am starting! After a lot of consideration I have decided on my soon-to-be business name, "Vin Bobo." "Vin" is short for "Vintage," and "Bobo" is French for "Bourgeois-bohemian," so basically it means, vintage, luxury, gypsy.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Valentines day, another excuse to paint on old post cards

Friday, February 3, 2012

Creations 23, by Tinydancer

Hello! Meet Miss Prima, she is a lovely dress worn once upon a time ago by a friend of mine for her senior prom. I met Miss Prima when I was cleaning out some shelves, she was missing chunks of fabric in the back and front. I asked my friend about her and she told me how Miss Prima was her prom dress and her husband had cut out the pieces of fabric for a doll dress. I then asked where I should put Miss Prima, and my friend said in the scrap fabric. I couldn't stand to think of her getting chopped up, and so I asked if I could take her home and "redo" her. So here Miss Prima is, the first of Creations 23, and she is modeled by my beautiful sissy, Annie Oakley. Miss Prima will go back home soon,to be enjoyed once again by her family.