Black Berry Scratched Legs

Black Berry Scratched Legs

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lady Laura

Lady Laura, here she finally is! A lovely antique slip with my fanciful addends. A friend of my mom cleaned out her closets and gave me a whole bunch of fun things that make an artsy person like me jump up and down with excitement! Lady Laura was made absolutely in honor of the person who gave me the feather trim and the blue striped ticking. To brighten her color up a little I lightly dyed the skirt blue, well intended to, I did get it slightly blue, but somehow some purple showed up as well. Dark blue feathers and a bead necklace were begging to be added in the end, I couldn't resist. Lady Laura is modeled by my beautiful momma in a vintage shawl, which is momma's, so if you want it, you aren't going to get it. My etsy shop is in process of being started, and very soon Lady Laura will be joining Charlotte waiting to make someones dreams come true! I have to say, it is a good thing Lady Laura is a tad too big for me or I might be very tempted to keep her myself.