Black Berry Scratched Legs

Black Berry Scratched Legs

Saturday, May 25, 2013


So here are my dishes. Pfaltzgraff for only twenty dollars. I am still amazed that I have them. It was my first week out of school for the year, I was just getting around, you know how nice it is to be able to sleep in a little? My brother needed a ride someplace that took me through our town. On my way back home I passed one, two, yard sales. The third, well, I kinda stopped. It was big, and very tempting. Never has giving into tempation been so profitable! The yard sale was wonderful, were I a rich woman  (with my own large house) I would have bought, let's say, a bunch more. I walked around and then I saw them! Just like my dear friend's (who I admire very much, and her dishes). They had no price, very afraid, I went to the woman running the sale. "How much are these dishes?" I asked. " She walked over in a carefree way, not at all aware at what was at stake here. "Hmmm, I guess I didn't price them, I don't know, why don't you make an offer?"  My heart racing, I said "I have twenty dollars." Without hestitation she said, "sounds great! I'll get some boxes!" I could have screamed with excitement, I was so thrilled. I egerly helped pack up my dishes and gingerly placed them in my car.  As I drove home I was laughing at myself, "Blackberry, really, you don't even have a house, plus you're broke. Why did you just buy dishes? Where are you even going to put them?" I pretty much just ignored myself and all these practicall thoughts and kept on being blissfully happy with my purchase. I got home, washed them all sparkling clean and counted them, each piece. I realized I have so many I could invited my whole family for dinner (providing I had my own house).  What a wonderful start to the school vacation.

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